SIP-14: SIREN Grants Program

SIP-14: SIREN Grants Program

Authors: Elon Tusk, Warren Fluffet, @swissmiss & @dalakos
Date: 2021-06-28

Context of changes to SIP-13

The main aims of SIP-13 were to start co-creating with working groups and community members of SI community.

After hearing community feedback from @swissmiss, we recognize that the AquaDAO may have been too confusing for our commmunity to follow. The DAO aspect can be confusing as we are yet to migrate towards Snapshot voting and the funding of the different categories had some improvements areas.

Hence the rebranding of AquaDAO to Siren Grants.

We will still be operating with regular Siren Community calls to coordinate working groups similar to IndexCoop as we would like model our community similar to this approach.

What is the Siren Grants Program

In order to promote a more vibrant community, the Siren Grants Program is proposed to push forward the decentralized development of the protocol. The goal is to provide support to projects seeking to further the development and decentralization, therefore grants will be provided to the following categories:

  • Usability
  • Community
  • Developer Tooling
  • Request for Proposal (RFP)

These being the core focus, there should also be two categories as a catch-all, one is for Siren Foundation defined projects or Request for Proposals (RFPs) as they are formally known in the non-degen world, the other is simply for Others. The latter being a category for community driven solutions that do not fit in the standard categories.

What are the goals for the categories?

In order to better define the focus areas… please keep reading…

  • Usability: Options by definition are complex financial instruments that are understood by advanced degens. A core factor in ensuring maximum decentralization is enabling usability of the protocol. This may be defined by software abstraction layers which enable greater utility of the application such as Ribbon Finance that bring options to a broader audience by simplifying the user experience.
  • Community: The SIREN community will be growing and are looking for all typed of skilled contributors to add the ecosystem. From creative design, content creation, regular Discord and Telegram discussions to being the best SIREN sea meme creators, we welcome all to apply. This is modelled off the incentives and working group model that IndexCoop and BanklessDao have created compelling communities.
  • Developer Tooling: Developer tools are important in order to enable greater innovation on Siren Protocol. Developer tools may be comprised of data analytics tools, command line interface tools, or other software based tooling that enables greater exploration and innovation on Siren Protocol.

Submission Requirements

The submission requirements are below adapt heavily from Uniswap Grants.

Applicant Name:
Email Address:
Telegram or Discord Handle:
Project Name:
Please summarize your grant proposal in 140 characters or less:
Total budget requested:
Focus Area:

  • Usability
  • Developer Tooling
  • Decentralization
  • RFP
  • Other Grant Scope

How beneficial to the SIREN ecosystem?
Relevant Links:
Grant outcomes and success:
Budget Breakdown:
Any attachments:
Additional Support/Questions:

The current SIREN Grants Airtable has been created here. This has been modelled off the Uniswap Grants Application

Next Steps

Please vote below and discuss below of your feedback for SIP-14

SIREN Grants
  • FOR: Start SIREN Grants Activities
  • Against: Do not start SIREN Grants Activities

0 voters

The SIREN Grants Gnosis Safe Multsig has been created at: 0x1d4Fd0C523eA28e31B2D70203A35A285E3a25585

It consists of four signers: two team members + two community members

Person Address
Dalakos 0x5d61ff238817815818646deeb6c55d56beba5c2c
Laquatus 0x2Fab4A1dedb4D8e7b5A8b0F68BeFBaDA3905dDBC
Radu 0x08f5348f08fDfD9e6218924227Dd5ff092794d17
John 0x596e7B4Ba193d04B6208B89287249372c119CC8f

This Safe wallet will be used to fund the Grantees from the program. We look forward to using these funds to accelerate the growth of the ecosystem.